Breast Analyte Control (ER, PR and HER2)
The multi-purpose Breast Analyte Control contains two cell lines that demonstrate positive and negative expression of ER, PR and HER2. Ideal for use as a same slide control in IHC to demonstrate that the reagents have been correctly applied to the slide.
Using cell line technology, a multi-purpose product was developed that is suitable for use as a control for ER, PR and HER2 assays. For a full dynamic range of HER2 expression see HER2 Analyte ControlDR. For a dynamic range of ER, PR and HER2 see: Estrogen Receptor Analyte ControlDR, Progesterone Receptor Analyte ControlDR, HER2 Analyte ControlDR and for wider multi-purpose breast control see the Breast Analyte ControlDR.
- Cells are fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and paraffin wax embedded.
- Pre-cut sections are cut at 4µm, mounted on positively charged slides and baked overnight at 37°C.
- Cell microarrays (CMA) contain cores that are 2mm in diameter and 3-3.5mm in length. It is possible to obtain over 300-400 sections depending on thickness.
Package Inserts
Ordering Information
For research use only (RUO) in USA
2 unstained slides | HCL013 |
5 unstained slides | HCL014 |
1 cell microarray block | HCL015 |
For research use only (RUO) in Europe
2 unstained slides | HCL013 |
5 unstained slides | HCL014 |
1 cell microarray block | HCL015 |
For research use only (RUO) in Japan
2 unstained slides | HCL013 |
5 unstained slides | HCL014 |
1 cell microarray block | HCL015 |
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